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The best way to chose a crystal is to be guided your intuition. If a particular crystal catches your attention it may hold the energy of what you need.

Or you may wish to read up on crystals and decide based on what you energy you are wanting to bring into your life. Take a moment to then be guided to the one that is calling to you. Some people are visually drawn to one in particular, or they feel a stronger sensation when they pick it up and hold it. You can also use a dowsing tool such as a pendulum. What I have noticed in my store is that crystals shine a little brighter when they want to be noticed by someone!


Crystals soak up vibrations, both positive and negative, by absorbing energy from the environment. Unless cleansed, a crystal carries energy from everyone that has handled it or places it has spent time. Crystals require frequent cleansing and re-energising. If your stone feels heavier than expected or look a little like it has lost its shine, it may benefit from a little energetic activation.

WATER - hold under running water for a few moments and then place it in the sun or under the moonlight to recharge. Always ensure your crystal is safe in water as some crystals are not. 

SMOKE CLEANSING - Light up some white sage, Palo Santo or incense and move it over your crystals. Finish off by recharging in the sunshine or moonlight. 

CLEANSING CRYSTALS - A large Quartz, Carnelian & Citrine cleanse and re-charge other smaller crystals, but will need a cleanse afterwards. Placing a small crystal on a larger version of itself re-charges, re-storing it’s energetic frequency.

SELENITE - This high vibrational crystal is a powerful cleanser of negative, blocked and stagnant energy. Place your crystals in a selenite bowl or use a tower or wand to re energise, cleanse and re-activate. 

SOUND - Singing bowls, tuning forks and cymbals transmute negative vibrations. Sound over the crystal or place the crystal in the bowl as you play.

RETURN TO EARTH - Robust crystals may be buried and recharged in sunlight afterwards. 

BROWN RICE - Place the crystals in overnight and recharge in the sun afterwards.  Discard the rice afterwards.

LIGHT - Sunlight or moonlight is will recharge your crystals - just sure this is a suitable method for your crystal.  You can also pass your crystal through the light of a candle, or visualise it surrounded by light to purify it. 

SALT - Place your crystal in a small bowl surrounded by salt. Never place your crystal directly in salt.



You will need to activate and programme your crystal for it to begin working. Rub your hands together then hold your crystals in your hands to tune in to it. A crystal in harmony will feel peaceful and calm, or buzzy and busy. If it feel unpleasant it may not be right for you right now, or equally may have triggered a release. 

Now you need to formulate your intention. Be specific as focused intention is part of the process. When you are ready and clear say out loud:

I programme this crystal for [state your purpose]. This or something greater for the highest good of all who come in contact with it. 

If using your crystal for protection you can be less specific and ask for protect of anything negative. 

Wear your crystal, place it near you or on you, or where you will frequently see it. Keep the energy alive by connecting to it through talk or touch. 

There are so many ways to use crystals in your day so explore and do what feels right to you. Create your own rituals, combine crystals that feel good to you and most of all enjoy your crystals and the energy of healing they bring into your life.