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Scolecite is a high vibration crystal that brings deep inner peace. It gently but powerfully opens our heart and crown, helping us to step into our Highest Self and act for the Highest Good. It's energy is directed to bring peace into the world around us. It is the ideal stone to connect with after a long day, as it is a total Auric cleanser, removing negative energies and replacing with inner peace and calm.

It invites us to open our hearts to give and receive love freely, enabling us to express our inner truth of that which we need, and allow us to listen to others from a non judgmental place. It allows us to see the world from a compassionate perspective and see the bigger picture.

Once we connect to what we really want, Scolecite helps us take control of our life and move forward to the reality we desire.

Scolecite is a wonderful crystal for mediation, helping us to connect to our spirit guides and angels. Placing it on your third eye will strengthen and unlock your intuition but be prepeared to feel a gentle buzzing due to its high vibrations. 

Dream recall and vividness will be enhanced, bringing deeper insight and understanding of the meaning within your dreams. It is a particularly good stone for anyone suffering from insomnia or whose mental state tends to be worse at night.

It invites us to explore our own prejudices and feelings of discomfort, looking at these beliefs and feelings in a non-judgemental space and then releasing them so they no longer hold us back from the rest of humanity.